Our services tailored for medium-sized privately held Canadian businesses.

We go one extra mile by doing the following:

  • Maintaining accounting records up-do date
  • Optimizing efficiency of your accounting system

Our services typically include:

  • Periodic bookkeeping and year-end accounting
  • Filing HST/QST, Payroll Source Deductions and WSIB
  • Handling Accounts Payable & processing payments
  • bi-weekly payroll for up-to 25 employees
  • Preparation of personal income tax return (T1) for the self-employed individuals (business, commission, and rental incomes)
  • Preparation of corporate income tax return (T2) and compilation of financial statements


Subscribe for QuickBooks Online from us and receive one hour of bookkeeping support.

Contact Alexandre Comptabilité Spécialisé Ltée for more information at (343) 202-2043 or [email protected]
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